A New Conversation About Private Equity
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Much has been written about the dramatic growth of the private equity secondary market and commentators routinely describe the market as being over $100 billion in size—but have they got it wrong?
Read MoreIt is commonly believed that secondary funds distribute cash faster than traditional private equity. While it is widely known that there has been a slowdown in exits, we wanted to examine the cash flows coming from secondary funds compared to other private equity strategies.
Read MoreSince 2018, over $250 billion of GP-led secondaries have been completed. These transactions have been an important source of liquidity for private equity investors, particularly over the last two years. But how have they performed compared to traditional LP-led secondaries?
Read MoreListen to Unlimited Podcast’s new episode featuring Overbay’s founder, Rob McGrath as he discusses the evolution of the secondary market, building a career in secondaries and how Overbay approaches private equity investing.
Read MoreThe Canada Pension Plan is one of the world's largest and most respected investors in private equity. However, it was recently reported that CPP is planning a multi-billion sale of some of its private equity holdings.
In this article, we explore the factors driving CPP and other institutions to sell in 2023.
Private equity has long favoured the largest institutional investors. Now, market forces may be giving private investors the edge over institutional investors.
Read MoreWhat Can Kids’ Hockey Teach Us About the Private Equity Secondary Market?
Read MoreComing Back Down to Earth for Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuations.
Read MoreDiscover the counterintuitive reasons why leading institutions sell their top performing assets.
READ BLOGOur latest blog from Robert McGrath explains why investors need to understand not only the opportunity that private equity presents, but also the limitations.